How We help

Our 'Package of Support'

We believe we offer a first class service to our members, and we represent you to the best of our ability and to a high standard. To enable us to represent you fully, you must be in all of the three schemes we offer:

1. Police Federation
2. Northwest Police Benevolent Fund
3. Group Insurance Scheme.

If you are not in any one of these components, in many cases, we cannot represent you fully, and this leaves a huge gap in your support available from us.

We annually contact members who are not in either the Group Insurance or Benevolent Fund, pointing out to them the risks of not being in the schemes, and the benefits of being in. We often get members approaching us with financial difficulties, and our first port of call is to refer them to our financial advisors and accountants, Kinsella Clarke. They are retained by us for a small premium on the Group Scheme. Members get access to a chartered accountant to assist them. Sometimes, Kinsella Clarke will suggest an approach to the Benevolent Fund, and this will be supported by a full report and analysis for an individual. If you are not in these schemes, you will not have access to either Kinsella Clarke, or the Ben Fund. Very soon, we will be having a campaign to recruit the non-members of these schemes, and after that the answer to individuals approaching us is going to be a firm NO. Some members make financial choices to withdraw from the schemes, but frequently, they are the schemes that can most assist. If you do ever consider withdrawing in the future, please give us a ring first. We can probably assist you in ways you have not considered. Whatever you do, don't pull out of the schemes that can assist you most.